Many voices. One Flagrant.

What's Alive For You?

No one wants to read about another company’s summit. Shit, most companies don’t want to read about their own summit. What IS helpful to read is how a “non-essential” investment like a summit can light a thousand soul fires inside your company. Especially if your company is remote-first. The...

Morgan Moran
By Morgan Moran
April 05, 2022

Join us in doing the not-normal thing.

Hey, how ya doin? Whatcha been up to over the last 2 years which totally count as dog years? This is a soul-check from your friends at Flagrant, who have been doing a lot of growing over the last 30 months. We started Flagrant in the thick of WTF times. And though it’s been hard,...

Jim Remsik
By Jim Remsik
March 31, 2022

Remember To Breathe.

Take a deep breath in . . . And a long breath out . . . . . How are you doing today? We’ve being doing some powerful work lately and this year is just getting started. I believe that in order to achieve those big dreams we envision, to reach global sustainability within our lifetime,...

Joyce Jia Hu
By Joyce Jia Hu
January 24, 2022

Pagination With Hotwire.

Pagination With Hotwire In the pantheon of classic user stories over the years of modern web development, pagination is certainly well represented. The first release of the long lived will_paginate gem goes all the way back to 2008 and the early years of Rails. Amazingly, newer gems like...

Jonathan Greenberg
By Jonathan Greenberg
September 23, 2021