Delightful Reveal #3

A weekly update on all things Flagrant

Joyce Jia Hu
By Joyce Jia Hu
January 30, 2023

What we did

  • Welcomed Jack to the team!
  • Learned about the Five Finger Breathing Meditation
  • Defined an initial “experiment” for about a month’s worth of work on a client project, outlining research, product design, and development work.
  • Introduced responsive design to an existing project
  • Gathered for Flagrant Recharge and enjoyed a snowflake filled brain teaser virtual escape room: Escape The Ice Castle, hosted by Julie & Christine with Escapely.
  • Figured out how to browse from a mobile device to a Rails multi-tenant app using subdomains while in development
  • Made flyouts sticky using CSS
  • Learned that LIMIT ALL is a thing in SQL.
  • Connected with Ariana Vargas, creator of The Stigma App, an amazing app that encourages people to share and give messages of hope regarding depression, anxiety, and mental health. You can see a bit more about the incredible work she is doing here:
  • Held a team agreements meeting (reference one, two) to review/renew our commitments to one another this quarter.
  • Created some schematics/wireframes for our forthcoming design effort, and distinguished between concepts our users are more likely to understand and those that’ll need to verify with further user research
  • Wireframed a clickable walkthrough to share with a client using Balsamiq

What we’re reading

What we’re listening to



What we’re interested in

What we’re buying

What we’re celebrating 

  • Kolsch beer, that was brewed a couple weeks ago, is ready for bottling  
  • Cursor Parks
  • Shoutout to EVERYONE for reaching out for support and taking care of themselves

If you’re looking for a team to help you discover the right thing to build and help you build it, get in touch.