Delightful Reveal #54

A bi-weekly update on all things Flagrant

Joyce Hu
By Joyce Hu
May 28, 2024

“I just wanna touch your hearts, though. I want to touch your hearts as deeply as I can.”

What we did:

  • We’re taking Madison+ Ruby on the road in a series of pre-show events! We’re partnering with Whop, one of the new Rails companies Irina shared in her RailsConf 2024 keynote, for our first event on June 4th in Brooklyn, NY at Domino with W. Landon Gray on deck to speak and maybe a special guest or two. RSVPs required due to limited seating!
  • A team of four of us represented as sponsors and attendees of RailsConf 2024 in Detroit. Met and spoke with so many #RubyFriends new and old
  • Delivered a few last-minute design needs while on-site at RailsConf 2024
  • Started creating a slide deck to showcase who Flagrant is/what we do so we can share it at future conferences/events
  • Spoke at Midwest Music Expo #7 in Chicago on a panel exploring The Impact of AI on the Creation and Marketing of Music
  • Experimented with a new recording/meeting software for our Developer Round Table
  • Set up Pundit, a Ruby library for managing authorization in Rails applications
  • Onboarded two additional tour operators / beta testers into production (for a total of 8 tour operators).
  • Reviewed highlights from onboarding efforts thus far. Planned a “watch party” to review highlights from onboarding as a team
  • Discussed API-related questions
  • Interviewed two “supplier” interviews (with organizations that sell into the group travel and tourism space)
  • Completed an initial round of seven interviews to inform a product management-focused consulting/coaching effort
  • Exhibited Training Tracker at the Food Safety Summit in Chicago
  • Two of us participated in the Doyenne Group’s Triple Threat Venture Training a 20-week virtual program designed to help women-led ventures scale their businesses, secure funding, and connect with essential resources and networks.
  • Built out a new locations page on the Madison+ Ruby website showcasing some of the excellent things to do in Madison
  • Building out marketing assets for a texting platform that was designed a few months ago
  • Presenting and handing off to developers work that is trying to solve for user friction
  • Last minute prep work for the Flagrant Summit happening in the Catskills (Upstate NY)!

What we’re reading:

What we’re watching:

What we’re listening to:

What we’re interested in:

What we’re struggling with:

  • packing up and leaving a home behind
  • the limbo feeling of selling one house and not yet purchasing another
  • Needing to find a new dentist
  • Standing desk setup
  • Being away from the cat and the garden for a week.
  • metadata
  • deciding which book to read next
  • Lots of break-ins in my neighborhood

What we’re buying:

  • Foldable travel slides
  • Travel size toiletries 
  • Ticket to Cabaret in NYC
  • A pomegranate tree

What we’re celebrating:

  • Seeing each other in person!
  • Freezer restocked with dumplings
  • Friends finishing grad school 🎓
  • A dog recovering nicely and not needing to be on antibiotics anymore
  • A new professional certification in AR/VR product development
  • New client opportunities
  • Getting to see a full rainbow
  • A new lemon mug by Stephanie Haines, and getting to learn about new ceramic ideas or techniques via touch and sipping coffee
  • A nibling who’s gotten super into crafting paper dragon puppets
  • Madison Reading Projects unveiling the new bus with Kelly’s illustrations on it: news

If you’re looking for a team to help you discover the right thing to build and help you build it, get in touch.