Many voices. One Flagrant.

February 2023

Delightful Reveal 7

me: why isn’t the logger working? g: it’s nighttime. me: what? g: it’s a logger. me: …what? g: it’s a logger. a lumberjack. me: … g: it sleeps all night and it works all day. me: OH MY GOD. Monty Python - Lumberjack Song What we did: Met with John Samuelson...

Delightful Reveal #6

To the customer that said “Thank you for caring and making it good”, you’re welcome! What we did: Held a management summit. Discussing team expectations so that we can grow our skill sets and clarity on what we all do everyday. Booked tickets/airfare out to...

Jack Permenter
By Jack Permenter
February 20, 2023

Delightful Reveal #5

What’s our secret sauce? Never assume every shark has the same fabric preferences; we need user research! What we did: Performed practice interviews with the Hotel 2022 cohort from LEARN Academy. Kicked off another sprint with a client and built up our backlog of prioritized...

Jim Remsik
By Jim Remsik
February 13, 2023

Delightful Reveal #4

Unveiling what’s been rumblin’ in Flagrant’s belly.  What we did Met with the CMO of our client to discuss branding timelines and our application’s value proposition Discussed an improved Kanban-style workflow for our team using Linear Expanded our responsive...

Joyce Jia Hu
By Joyce Jia Hu
February 06, 2023