Training Tracker

Modernizing Training Tracker: Enhancing the User Experience and Upgrading the Technology Foundation

Flagrant partners with Training Tracker to deliver a sleek new design and lay the groundwork for future tech advancements

UI/UX Design, Development, Refactoring Technical Debt, Update Legacy Stack, Automated Testing

Training Tracker app screens on a laptop and tablet with Tilly, the Training Tracker elephant mascot, in the background

Client Context

Training Tracker is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application that helps small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) track their employees’ training, ensuring compliance with OSHA and other federal guidelines. With 160 users across approximately 80 companies, Training Tracker has been a reliable tool for managing organization-wide training with just a few users.

The Challenge

TrainingTracker’s front-end experience had remained largely unchanged since 2013, and the back-end was running on Rails 4, which is outdated and three versions behind the current version. As a result, TrainingTracker was facing challenges maintaining the site and obtaining support. Additionally, TrainingTracker was unable to take advantage of new capabilities in Rails 7 that could significantly improve the user experience. The application needed to be brought up to date to ensure stability and lay the foundation for future technological advancements.

The application also needed some key integrations, such as QR code scanning capabilities and Stripe to accept credit card payments.

Training Tracker app screens, plus a printable set of QR codes and an employee card for tracking which trainings have been completed

The Solution

Flagrant proposed a comprehensive solution to address Training Tracker’s challenges:

  • Implement a modern UI/UX design
  • Upgrade the technology stack to Rails 7
  • Integrate QR code scanning capabilities and a billing page with Stripe integration
  • Enhance performance using Rails 7 features such as Turbo and Hotwire for faster link loading and pre-caching
  • Implement UI tests using Capybara to ensure new and existing features function as expected

The Result

Training Tracker landing page on a laptop, with an accessible color palette to the right

Flagrant worked closely with Training Tracker to understand their unique needs and goals. The team focused on delivering the new design while simultaneously upgrading the underlying technology. Flagrant’s expertise in Rails development and understanding of Training Tracker’s business requirements allowed for a smooth collaboration throughout the project.

Flagrant successfully delivered the modernized version of Training Tracker, complete with:

  • A sleek, updated UI/UX design that enhances experiences and improves sales demos
  • Upgraded the technology stack to Rails 7, ensuring better performance, maintainability and support
  • QR code scanning capabilities and Stripe integration for seamless billing
  • Faster performance using Turbo and Hotwire
  • Improved maintainability and easier feature additions
  • Comprehensive UI tests using Capybara, ensuring the stability of new and existing features

With the modernized application, Training Tracker can continue serving its SMB clients and accelerate growth with a reliable, efficient and user-friendly tool for managing employee training. The technological advancements implemented by Flagrant lay the foundation to scale out as the company expands and implements further improvements, ensuring Training Tracker remains a competitive and valuable solution in the market.

The Crew Responsible

Cody Brooks, SaVance Ford, Amanda Klusmeyer, Yossef Mendelssohn

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