Usability Testing

What it is

Observing users as they use a product or service

Why it's done

To understand your product or service’s usability in context (that is, how learnable and adaptable it is, and how well it prevents users from making unfixable errors)

What we do

  1. 1

    Choose what to test.

    We’ll choose something, such as a sketch, prototype, a flow, your current product, or even a “competitor’s product” that might help your users accomplish their goals.

  2. 2

    Plan the test.

    Figure out the tasks to test and who should participate.

  3. 3

    Recruit users.

    Whether it be talking to your current users or prospective ones, we’ll find participants to test with.

  4. 4

    Run the sessions.

    We’ll provide participants with the setup needed for the usability test and conduct the sessions (online, because that’s how the world works now).

  5. 5

    Discuss the results.

    We’ll set up meetings to discuss the results of the testing with you.

  6. 6

    Synthesize and document next steps.

    A lot can come out of research so we’ll package up findings and recommendations for you.

Ready to get started?

Contact us