
What it is

Testing a concrete representation of a design idea.

Why it's done

To simulate an experience and test a design to figure out what issues might need to be addressed or iterated on further.

What we do

  1. 1

    Choose what to prototype.

    Don’t know where to start? We’ll identify possible designs and flows to prototype that align with your goals.

  2. 2

    Build the prototype.

    Be it a paper prototype, clickable prototype, or an in-browser prototype, we’ll choose and build the prototype to work toward your goal.

  3. 3

    Test, test, test.

    We’ll test the prototype with users.

  4. 4

    Report learnings.

    It’s a prototype, so we don’t expect everything to be 100% successful in testing, but we’ll compile what we’ve learned to help inform the next steps to take for your product.

Ready to get started?

Contact us