Accessibility audit

What it is

An evaluation of accessibility issues that prevent your users from engaging with your product or service.

Why it's done

To identify and remove any barriers users may be experiencing with your product or service. Improving accessibility helps all users (not just those with disabilities!) and can help grow your company’s brand image and business.

What we do

  1. 1

    Bring in accessibility expertise.

    Not everyone’s familiar with what accessibility is, so we begin by educating—we have years of knowledge and experience on the topic.

  2. 2

    Identify inaccessible parts of your product or service.

    We’ll do a thorough audit of everything including:

    • Alt text
    • Color contrast
    • Reading order
    • Focus states
    • Tap targets
    • ARIA attributes
    • And much more!
  3. 3

    Recommend accessible fixes.

    Based on our accessibility findings, we’ll suggest comprehensive changes and fixes to your product to get them up to par with WCAG standards.

Ready to get started?

Contact us